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ABYPU- President Calandra Wright

Under the direction of Elder Pollock, Kingston Road has an acting youth department that reaches out to the youth in the community to provide education and motivational programs to support growth and development of our youth. The “Back to School” bash is one of the yearly celebrations the church has in the community to provide school supplies to all who come and participate in the event. We are currently in the process of enhancing its education program by adding a tutoring program and a small library for children to read age appropriate books.



Grief Support Group & Memorial Moments - Pastor Charles L. Pollock
Ministries and Auxiliaries:


Kingston Road’s mission is to evangelize the world for Jesus Christ; to equip every believer to become true Disciples of Christ; and to engage those social problems that challenge our community we have been called to serve by partnering with community leaders and organizations who invoke progressive change.


Music & Arts  - Sister Kimberly Pollock

Our Mission is to glorify Jesus Christ by allowing Him to use us in every capacity  as a tool by working through each individual member of the praise team, choir, and our Liturgical Dance team. Our goal is to prepare the hearts of the congregation for the word of God. We bless the congregation and members of the choir alike through the singing of psalms,hymns,and spiritual songs. Our  Liturgical Dance team expresses their interpretation of the lyrics with great passion to soothe the hearts of the hurt and bless their souls. We further positively influence lives of people of God as we strive to be an examplify Jesus Christ by the example of our lives.



Minister of  the Youth - Minister Taylor Pollock
Missionary Department- Mother White

​Kingston Road has an active Missionary department who goes out to visit the sick and shut in as well as provide assistance to prison ministry. They frequently visit of Magnolia Manor Assisted Living in Columbia bringing food and holiday gifts to help improve the quality of life there. District Elder Pollock volunteers his time and expertise to facilitate workshops that teaches participants on hospital and home visitation.

Women Ministries- Lady Cheryl Pollock

To promote spiritual growth of individuals, to minister to women of all ages, embracing the social concerns of today. Women ministries incorporates both the missionary and Women's Council department which is available to allow women to express themselves and utilize their gifts and talents in the work of the ministry.

Pulpit Aide-

The members of the ministry are assigned to take responsibility for providing various

items and supplies for the Pastor to accommodate his office and pulpit. This allows

for the pastor and ministers to focus on preaching the word.

Brotherhood -President - Brother Terrill Milledge

To call men into vital relationships with each other; in mutual pursuit of authentic manhood. To teach men to reject passivity, accept responsibility, lead courageously, thereby expecting God’s greater rewards. To teach men to become men God uses to evangelize the lost, establish them in their faith and equip them for service at

Kingston Road, our community, and the world.



  • Help men grow in Christ

  • Help men develop much needed relationships with other men in the church

  • Move men out of the pews and onto the "mission field"

  • Develop mentors

  • Strengthen family relationships

Sunday School- Superintendent - Minister Billy Johnson

One of our most valued services, Sunday Schools provides deeper insights and teachings of the principles of faith.  Building our members and visitors in their most holy faith, our teachers truly focus on rightly dividing the word of truth.


Often times the themes being taught in Sunday School are confirmed through our pastor's messages.  So come out and join us during Sunday School.  Bring your bible,

a notebook and pen, as well as an open heart to learn more about God!

Usher Board- President-Kenyatta Hallman-Scott
Church Administrator
Lilly Pearls- Sister Breah Pollock

To promote spiritual growth of teen-age girls,  embracing the social concerns of today and helping them to grow into young ladies.

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